Explore downloadable templates, including standard consent and assent templates, as well as several specialty templates, for use in specific types of research situations. You can search and bookmark any template in Research A-Z.
Research A-ZObtaining the consent of a subject is a process that goes far beyond asking for a signature on a document. Potential participants must understand the nature of the study, the risks, discomforts, inconveniences, and potential benefits involved if they are to make an informed decision. We ensure respect for persons by providing information needed for thoughtful consent for a voluntary act.
Informed Consent TemplatesNOTE: On April 15, 2024 IRBMED issued a revised Standard Template, as well as revised versions of the eligibility, survey, and blood draw Specialty Templates containing updates relating to the new HSIP compensation policy. Consent documents submitted on or after June 1 st must be created in the newly revised template. See Research A-Z for more information.
Informed consent is an ongoing process that begins with recruitment and continues through the completion of the study.
The first step is to provide potential subjects with general information about the nature of the study and why they might be suited to participate. The recruitment flyers, websites, and phone scripts are part of this process. All recruitment materials must be reviewed by an IRB prior to implementation.
Once someone indicates interest in joining a study, details should be presented by a study team member who is knowledgeable about both the study and informed consent.
At each study visit encourage subjects to ask questions and raise concerns. Thus, informed consent becomes an ongoing, interactive process, rather than a one-time information session. Following good clinical practice (GCP) these discussions should be recorded in the subjects' records.
Important note for UMHS studies: A copy of the complete (every page) signed consent form should be placed in the UM medical record of subjects, particularly when the research intervention may affect other treatment or care (in most cases this means scanning the document into MiChart; click here for instructions). However, doing so may not be appropriate in all cases (for example if identification of the subject as a study participant might put the subject at risk of criminal prosecution or harm to reputation).
The informed consent document is an important tool in the informed consent process. The goal is to have a document, understandable to the subjects or their legal representatives, that explains what will happen to them as part of the study, when it happens, and why.
Target readability levels of consent forms should be between 6th and 8th grade. Examples of this level are found in the popular press, e.g. Newsweek or USA Today. Computer programs that analyze grade level, like the Flesh Kincaid method, are useful tools but cannot be relied upon in whole because informed consent documents often use words of a higher level (like the name of a procedure) that you will also explain in lay terms.
The sections below, Tips and Examples of protocol language ‘translated’ to subject-friendly language, are to assist you in achieving an understandable document. Also refer to the UM library system's plain language medical dictionary for more lay terms. Refer to the Education page for information about the IRBMED workshop, Informed Consent 201.
Special thanks to the Center for the Advancement of Clinical Research for contributions in the material below.
Examples of protocol language versus subject-friendly language text
To participate, you must be feeling anxious or sad. You should not participate if you have ever been hospitalized because of these kinds of feelings. If your anxiety is caused by a medical problem, you may not be able to participate.
There are many reasons why you may not be able to participate. It is important to discuss your full medical history with the study doctor. We must also review your medical record.
At visit 1 you will have your blood pressure taken lying down and standing up. You will answer questionnaires “overall anxiety scale” and “SAGM”. Your blood will be drawn for tests of iron, creatinine, hematocrit, liver function and other tests. You will be Randomized to group A, B, or C
At visit 2 if you are in group A, your visit will occur in 4 weeks and you will have your blood pressure measured lying down and standing up. If you are in group B, your visit will occur in 6-12 weeks, after you have been assigned a counselor, and you will have your blood pressure measured while lying down and standing up…At visit 3 you will have your blood pressure measured…etc.
During the study, you will be randomized into one of three groups. Random means by chance, like flipping a coin. You have an equal chance of being in any of the three groups.
Below is an explanation of what will happen at each visit, no matter what group you are in. Then there is a section explaining what extra things will happen depending on what group you are in.
Also consider using tables, flow charts, graphs, or calendars in addition to text.