Please Note: Unlike other citation styles, there is no single authority on the Harvard style of referencing. Because of this, there are several variations of Harvard.
This guide provides a modified version of the author-date system presented in: Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, 6th edn, rev. Snooks & Co., AGPS, Canberra.
Methods for citing electronic and online sources are changing rapidly and do not always keep pace with the development of new technologies. As the Style manual offers only a few examples, Academic Skills has adapted and modified the existing information. Where no Harvard style options were available, citations are based on APA style.
American Psychological Association 2007, Electronic References, American Psychological Association, Washington, accessed 23 April 2007,
ASD Referencing Project Team 2007, UOW Author-Date (Harvard) Referencing Guide, The University of Wollongong Library, accessed 5 July 2007,
Deakin University Current Students 2017, Harvard, Deakin University, accessed 16 May 2018,… .
Perrin, R 2004, Pocket Guide to APA Style, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York.
Victoria University Library 2018, Getting started with Harvard referencing, Victoria University, accessed 15 May 2018,… .
Always check with your lecturer or tutor about their preferred referencing method. Many UNSW faculties and schools have style guides so check with them about which methods to use.