Please note that the courses have to be completed in a sequence, (1) History of South Africa and ANC (2) Building the organisation (3) Government and (4) Economic Development. You will not be able to proceed to the next course without completing the previous one. These prerequisite courses are mandatory for you to be accepted to study the Strategic Courses
If you need help or assistance please email or call 011 376 8298 (Office Hours: Mon – Thurs from 09h00 – 16h00). For advice on content contact the ANC Political Education Co-ordinator at the ANC provincial or national office. The contact details are on the ANC website at
The first module you will do covers the history of South Africa from pre-colonial times until 1912, and the history of the ANC from 1912 until 1994. Once you are ready and have completed Part A of Module 1, there will be a short online test which you will need to complete and submit before you can go to Part B of Module 1.
Module 2 deals with building the ANC organisation and is divided into two parts. Part A: Building the ANC organisation and the branch, and Part B: Organising Skills. Once you are ready and have completed Module 2, there will be a short online test which you will need to complete and submit before you can go to Module 3.
Module 3 deals with Government and the reasons why we have a government, and what its role is. It also covers the challenges faced by government and the ANC approach to governance. It is important to note that you need to have passed Module 1: History of South Africa and the ANC and Module 2: Building the ANC organisation in order to start with Module 3: Government.
This module deals with economics and development from a global and South African perspective. It includes the structure of an economy, gross domestic product, trade, production of wealth and class and inequality. It is important to note that you need to have passed Module 1: History of South Africa and the ANC and Module 2: Building the ANC organisation and Module 3: Government in order to start with Module 4: Economic Development.
OR TAMBO SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP. Powered by African National Congress (ANC)
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